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Handling Bad Records in Apache Spark: Strategies and Examples

Data is the lifeblood of the modern world, powering everything from our daily decisions to the most cutting-edge scientific research. As organizations increasingly leverage data for their operations, the importance of efficient and accurate data processing cannot be overstated.

Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system designed to address this challenge, offering fast and flexible data processing capabilities at scale. With its powerful, in-memory data processing engine and support for a wide range of programming languages, Spark has emerged as a popular choice for organizations seeking to harness the power of big data.

Despite its many strengths, Spark is not immune to the challenges posed by "bad records" or malformed data. Bad records can result from various causes, including data entry errors, system glitches, and format inconsistencies. Regardless of their origin, bad records can lead to performance issues, inaccurate results, and even failures in data processing pipelines if not handled correctly.

Consequently, it is crucial for developers and data engineers working with Spark to understand the strategies and techniques for handling bad records effectively.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the various approaches for handling bad records in Apache Spark, providing example code for each strategy and discussing their respective advantages and disadvantages.

By offering a thorough examination of the topic, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to handle bad records in your Spark applications confidently. This, in turn, will help ensure the reliability and accuracy of your data processing pipelines, ultimately driving better decisions and outcomes for your organization.

In the first section, we will introduce the concept of bad records and explain why they can be problematic for data processing systems like Spark. We will then discuss the different types of bad records that may be encountered in real-world scenarios, providing examples to help illustrate each case.

Next, we will dive into the core of our discussion, exploring various techniques for handling bad records in Spark. These techniques include:

  1. Dropping bad records

  2. Replacing bad records with a default value

  3. Logging bad records for further investigation

  4. Custom handling of bad records

  5. Using schema validation to handle bad records

  6. Permissive, DropMalformed, and FailFast modes with columnNameOfCorruptRecord

For each approach, we will provide detailed example code to demonstrate how it can be implemented in a Spark application. Furthermore, we will discuss the pros and cons of each technique, helping you determine which approach may be best suited for your specific use case and requirements.

In the final section, we will wrap up our discussion by drawing conclusions about the various strategies for handling bad records in Spark. We will also offer guidance on how to select the most appropriate approach for your application, taking into consideration factors such as data quality, performance, and error tolerance.

By the end of this blog post, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges posed by bad records in Spark and the techniques available to address them. With this knowledge in hand, you will be better equipped to design and implement robust, reliable data processing pipelines that can handle the inherent complexities of big data.

1. Drop bad records

A common method for dealing with bad records in Spark is to simply discard them. This can be an effective approach when dealing with data that contains occasional errors or inconsistencies that do not significantly impact the overall quality of the dataset. By dropping bad records, you can ensure that your data processing pipeline only works with clean and accurate data, thereby minimizing the risk of errors or inaccuracies in your results.

To drop bad records in Spark, you can use the filter transformation. The `filter` transformation allows you to specify a condition that each row in a DataFrame must meet to be included in the resulting DataFrame. Any rows that fail to meet the specified condition will be removed from the output.

Consider a scenario where you have a DataFrame containing a column called "age" and you want to remove any records with invalid ages (e.g., negative values). In this case, you can use the `filter` transformation to apply a condition that checks whether the "age" column is greater than 0.

Here's an example of how you can use the `filter` transformation to drop bad records in a Spark application:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Drop") \

# Sample data containing bad records (negative ages)
data = [("Alice", 34), ("Bob", -5), ("Carol", 21), ("Dave", 45), ("Eva", 32), ("Frank", -2)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame from the sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Define a function to determine if an age value is validdef is_valid_age(age):
    return age > 0# Use the filter transformation to drop bad records
valid_df = df.filter(is_valid_age(df["age"]))

# Display the resulting DataFrame with bad records removed

In this example, we first create a SparkSession and define our sample data, which includes some records with invalid ages (negative values). We then create a DataFrame from the sample data and define a function called `is_valid_age` that checks if an age value is valid (greater than 0).

Next, we apply the `filter` transformation to our DataFrame using the `is_valid_age` function as the condition. This will create a new DataFrame called valid_df that contains only the records with valid ages. Finally, we display the resulting DataFrame using the `show` action.

The output of the code snippet above will be:

| name|age|
|Alice| 34|
|Carol| 21|
| Dave| 45|
|  Eva| 32|

As you can see, the records with invalid ages (Bob and Frank) have been removed from the DataFrame.

In summary, dropping bad records using the `filter` transformation is a simple and effective way to handle bad records in Spark. This approach can be particularly useful when you need to ensure that your data processing pipeline works with clean and accurate data.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that discarding bad records may not always be the best approach, especially if the number of bad records is large or if you need to investigate the cause of the errors. In such cases, you may need to consider alternative strategies for handling bad records, such as replacing bad records with a default value or logging them for further analysis.

2. Replace bad records with a default value

In some cases, simply dropping bad records from your dataset may not be the most suitable approach. For instance, if the number of bad records is large, removing them could result in a significant loss of data, potentially impacting the reliability of your results. In such situations, you may want to consider replacing bad records with a default value, allowing you to retain the remaining valid data in each record.

To replace bad records with a default value in Spark, you can use the `withColumn` transformation along with the `when` and `otherwise` functions from the `pyspark.sql.functions` module. The `withColumn` transformation allows you to add a new column to a DataFrame or replace an existing one, while the `when` and `otherwise` functions enable you to define conditional expressions for manipulating data.

Let's revisit our previous example, where we have a DataFrame containing a column called "age" with some invalid ages (e.g., negative values). In this scenario, we can use the `withColumn` transformation to replace any invalid ages with a default value, such as 0.

Here's an example of how you can use the `withColumn` transformation along with the `when` and `otherwise` functions to replace bad records with a default value in a Spark application:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import when

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Replace with Default Value") \

# Sample data containing bad records (negative ages)
data = [("Alice", 34), ("Bob", -5), ("Carol", 21), ("Dave", 45), ("Eva", 32), ("Frank", -2)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame from the sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Define a function to determine if an age value is validdef is_valid_age(age):
    return age > 0# Use the withColumn transformation along with the when and otherwise functions to replace bad records with a default value
default_age = 0
fixed_df = df.withColumn("age", when(is_valid_age(df["age"]), df["age"]).otherwise(default_age))

# Display the resulting DataFrame with bad records replaced by the default value

In this example, we first create a SparkSession and define our sample data, which includes some records with invalid ages (negative values). We then create a DataFrame from the sample data and define a function called `is_valid_age` that checks if an age value is valid (greater than 0).

Next, we apply the `withColumn` transformation to our DataFrame using the `when` and `otherwise` functions to conditionally replace any invalid ages with a default value (0). This will create a new DataFrame called `fixed_df` that contains the records with their invalid ages replaced by the default value. Finally, we display the resulting DataFrame using the `show` action.

The output of the code snippet above will be:

| name|age|
|Alice| 34|
|  Bob|  0|
|Carol| 21|
| Dave| 45|
|  Eva| 32|
|Frank|  0|

As you can see, the records with invalid ages (Bob and Frank) have had their ages replaced with the default value (0).

In summary, replacing bad records with a default value using the `withColumn` transformation, along with the `when` and `otherwise` functions, is an effective way to handle

3. Log bad records for further investigation

In certain scenarios, it may be necessary to investigate bad records further to identify the underlying causes of data quality issues or inconsistencies. One useful approach for achieving this is to log bad records for subsequent analysis.

Logging bad records can provide valuable insights into the nature and frequency of errors, helping you to pinpoint and address any systemic issues that may be affecting your data processing pipeline.

In Spark, you can log bad records using the `foreach` action, which enables you to perform an operation on each row of a DataFrame. In this example, we will log the bad records using Python's built-in `logging` module.

Let's revisit our previous example, where we have a DataFrame containing a column called "age" with some invalid ages (e.g., negative values). In this scenario, we can use the `foreach` action to log each bad record for further investigation.

Here's an example of how you can use the `foreach` action to log bad records in a Spark application:

import logging
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Configure the logging module

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Log for Investigation") \

# Sample data containing bad records (negative ages)
data = [("Alice", 34), ("Bob", -5), ("Carol", 21), ("Dave", 45), ("Eva", 32), ("Frank", -2)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame from the sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Define a function to determine if an age value is validdef is_valid_age(age):
    return age > 0# Define a function to log bad recordsdef log_bad_record(record):
    if not is_valid_age(record.age):"Bad record detected: {record}")

# Use the foreach action to log bad records for further investigation

In this example, we first import the `logging` module and configure it to log messages at the `INFO` level. We then create a SparkSession and define our sample data, which includes some records with invalid ages (negative values). We create a DataFrame from the sample data and define a function called `is_valid_age` that checks if an age value is valid (greater than 0).

Next, we define a function called `log_bad_record` that logs a bad record if the age value is not valid. We use the `foreach` action to apply this function to each row in our DataFrame, logging any bad records encountered.

Upon running this code snippet, you will see log messages similar to the following:

INFO:root:Bad record detected: Row(name='Bob', age=-5)
INFO:root:Bad record detected: Row(name='Frank', age=-2)

As demonstrated in the log messages, the bad records with invalid ages (Bob and Frank) have been logged for further investigation.

In summary, logging bad records using the `foreach` action in Spark is a practical way to handle bad records when you need to investigate them further. This approach can provide valuable insights into data quality issues, helping you to identify and address the root causes of errors in your data processing pipeline.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that logging alone does not resolve the issues associated with bad records. You may still need to consider other strategies, such as dropping or replacing bad records, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data processing pipeline.

4. Custom handling of bad records

There may be situations where none of the standard methods for handling bad records meet your specific requirements. In these cases, you might need to implement a more customized approach to handle bad records in your dataset.

One way to achieve this is by defining your own transformation logic using the `map` function in Spark. The `map` function enables you to apply a custom transformation to each row of a DataFrame, allowing you to address a wide range of data quality issues and scenarios.

Let's revisit our previous example, where we have a DataFrame containing a column called "age" with some invalid ages (e.g., negative values). In this scenario, we can use the `map` function to apply a custom transformation to each record, depending on the specific data quality issue encountered.

Here's an example of how you can use the `map` function to implement custom handling of bad records in a Spark application:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Custom Handling") \

# Sample data containing bad records (negative ages)
data = [("Alice", 34), ("Bob", -5), ("Carol", 21), ("Dave", 45), ("Eva", 32), ("Frank", -2)]
columns = ["name", "age"]

# Create a DataFrame from the sample data
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)

# Define a function to determine if an age value is validdef is_valid_age(age):
    return age > 0# Define a function to handle bad records with custom logicdef handle_bad_record(record):
    if is_valid_age(record.age):
        return record
        # Custom handling logic for invalid agesreturn Row(, age=None)

# Use the map function to apply the custom handling logic to each record
rdd =

# Convert the resulting RDD back to a DataFrame
fixed_df = rdd.toDF()

# Display the resulting DataFrame with bad records handled by the custom logic

In this example, we first create a SparkSession and define our sample data, which includes some records with invalid ages (negative values). We then create a DataFrame from the sample data and define a function called `is_valid_age` that checks if an age value is valid (greater than 0).

Next, we define a function called `handle_bad_record` that implements our custom handling logic for bad records. In this example, we choose to replace the invalid ages with `None`, but you can modify this function to implement any custom logic required for your specific use case.

We then use the `map` function to apply the `handle_bad_record` function to each row in our DataFrame. This will produce an RDD containing the records with bad records handled by the custom logic. We convert the resulting RDD back to a DataFrame called `fixed_df` and display the output using the `show` action.

The output of the code snippet above will be:

| name| age|
|Alice|  34|
|  Bob|null|
|Carol|  21|
| Dave|  45|
|  Eva|  32|

As you can see, the records with invalid ages (Bob and Frank) have been replaced with `None` as per our custom handling logic.

In summary, implementing custom handling of bad records using the `map` function in Spark allows you to address a wide range of data quality issues and scenarios. This approach provides you with the

5. Use schema validation to handle bad records

In some cases, you might want to enforce a schema when reading data from a file to ensure that the records adhere to a specific structure. This can help you handle bad records by identifying and isolating records that do not conform to the expected schema.

Spark allows you to use the `badRecordsPath` option to specify a path where bad records will be written for further analysis. This approach enables you to separate bad records from your main dataset, making it easier to investigate and address data quality issues.

Let's assume you have a CSV file containing records with a name and an age column. Some records in the file might have invalid ages (e.g., negative values) or missing fields. In this scenario, you can enforce a schema while reading the file and use the `badRecordsPath` option to handle bad records.

Here's an example of how you can use schema validation and the `badRecordsPath` option to handle bad records in a Spark application:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Schema Validation") \

# Define the schema for the input data
schema = StructType([
    StructField("name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("age", IntegerType(), True),

# Set the path to the input data file and the bad records path
input_data_path = "path/to/your/input/data.csv"
bad_records_path = "path/to/your/bad/records"# Read the input data using the schema and the badRecordsPath option
df = \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .option("badRecordsPath", bad_records_path) \
    .schema(schema) \

# Display the resulting DataFrame with only valid records

In this example, we first create a SparkSession and define the schema for the input data using the `StructType` and `StructField` classes from the `pyspark.sql.types` module. We then set the path to the input data file and the path where bad records will be written.

Next, we read the input data using the `` method and enforce the schema by specifying it as an argument. We also set the `badRecordsPath` option to the path where bad records will be written. This will result in a DataFrame containing only valid records that conform to the specified schema.

Finally, we display the resulting DataFrame using the show action. The output will contain only the records that meet the schema requirements. Keep in mind that the bad records will be written to the specified `badRecordsPath` as JSON files. You can later analyze these files to investigate the reasons for the data quality issues and take appropriate corrective actions.

In summary, using schema validation and the `badRecordsPath` option in Spark is an effective way to handle bad records when reading data from a file. This approach enables you to ensure that your dataset conforms to a specific structure, while also providing a mechanism to analyze bad records separately for further investigation and resolution of data quality issues.

6. Permissive, DropMalformed, and FailFast Modes with columnNameOfCorruptRecord

When reading data from a file, Spark provides three modes to handle bad records: Permissive, DropMalformed, and FailFast. The way Spark processes bad records depends on the mode you choose.

Additionally, when using the Permissive mode, you can use the `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` option to specify a column name to store the original malformed record.

In this section, we will discuss each mode in detail, along with examples.

1. Permissive Mode (default)

In Permissive mode, which is the default mode, Spark tries to parse all records. If a record is malformed, Spark will assign null values for the fields that failed to parse. To store the original malformed record, you can use the `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` option to specify a column name.

Let's consider a CSV file with two columns: "name" and "age." Some records might have missing or invalid fields. In this scenario, you can use the Permissive mode with the `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` option to handle bad records.

Here's an example:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - Permissive Mode") \

# Set the path to the input data file
input_data_path = "path/to/your/input/data.csv"# Read the input data using Permissive mode and columnNameOfCorruptRecord option
df = \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .option("mode", "PERMISSIVE") \
    .option("columnNameOfCorruptRecord", "_corrupt_record") \

# Display the resulting DataFrame

In this example, we read the input data using the method and set the mode option to "PERMISSIVE." We also specify the columnNameOfCorruptRecord option to store the original malformed records in a column named "_corrupt_record." The resulting DataFrame will contain null values for the fields that failed to parse and a separate column with the original malformed records.

2. DropMalformed Mode

In DropMalformed mode, Spark will drop any malformed records during the parsing process. This is useful when you only want to process valid records and discard the bad ones.

Using the same CSV file with "name" and "age" columns, you can use the DropMalformed mode to handle bad records as follows:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - DropMalformed Mode") \

# Set the path to the input data file
input_data_path = "path/to/your/input/data.csv"# Read the input data using DropMalformed mode
df = \
    .option("header", "true") \
    .option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED") \

# Display the resulting DataFrame

In this example, we read the input data using the `` method and set the mode option to "DROPMALFORMED." The resulting DataFrame will only contain valid records, with any malformed records dropped during the parsing process.

3. FailFast Mode

In FailFast mode, Spark will throw an exception and stop the processing if any malformed records are found. This is useful when you want to ensure that your dataset is free of bad records and fail immediately if any are encountered.

Again, using the same CSV file with "name" and "age" columns, you can use the FailFast mode to handle bad records as follows:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("Handle Bad Records - FailFast Mode") \

# Set the path to the input data file
input_data_path = "path/to/your/input/data.csv"# Read the input data using FailFast modetry:
    df = \
        .option("header", "true") \
        .option("mode", "FAILFAST") \

    # Display the resulting DataFrame
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An exception occurred: {e}")

In this example, we read the input data using the method and set the mode option to "FAILFAST." If any malformed records are encountered, an exception will be thrown, and the processing will stop. You can use a try-except block to handle the exception and display an appropriate message.

In summary, Spark provides three modes to handle bad records when reading data from a file: Permissive, DropMalformed, and FailFast. Each mode offers a different approach to processing bad records, allowing you to choose the one that best fits your specific requirements.

The Permissive mode, combined with the `columnNameOfCorruptRecord` option, enables you to store the original malformed records in a separate column, which can be useful for further analysis and data quality improvement efforts.


Handling bad records is an essential aspect of data processing, as it ensures the quality and accuracy of the data being processed. Apache Spark offers various ways to handle bad records, providing you with flexibility and control to address different data quality issues and scenarios. In this post, we have discussed six approaches to handle bad records in Spark, each with their own advantages and use cases:

  1. Drop bad records: This approach removes bad records from your dataset using the filter transformation. It is simple and straightforward but may not be suitable if you need to retain information from the bad records for further analysis.

  2. Replace bad records with a default value: This method uses the withColumn, when, and otherwise functions to replace bad records with a default value. It can be helpful when you want to retain the bad records in your dataset but substitute them with a meaningful default value.

  3. Log bad records for further investigation: This technique involves logging bad records using the foreach action, which allows you to perform an operation on each row of a DataFrame. It can be useful when you need to investigate the reasons for bad records and take appropriate corrective actions.

  4. Custom handling of bad records: This approach uses the map function to apply custom transformation logic to each record in the DataFrame. It provides you with the flexibility to address a wide range of data quality issues and scenarios by implementing your own logic to handle bad records.

  5. Use schema validation to handle bad records: This method enforces a schema when reading data from a file and uses the badRecordsPath option to specify a path where bad records will be written for further analysis. This allows you to separate bad records from your main dataset, making it easier to investigate and address data quality issues.

  6. Permissive, DropMalformed, and FailFast Modes with columnNameOfCorruptRecord: These modes are available when reading data from a file and provide different ways to handle bad records during the parsing process. Permissive mode tries to parse all records, assigning null values for the fields that failed to parse and storing the original malformed record in a separate column if the columnNameOfCorruptRecord option is used. DropMalformed mode drops any malformed records, while FailFast mode throws an exception and stops the processing if any malformed records are found.

Each of these approaches has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of the best method depends on your specific use case and requirements. Some methods, like dropping or replacing bad records, might be more suitable for cases where data quality issues are relatively minor and you need a simple solution. In contrast, other methods like custom handling, schema validation, or the use of different parsing modes provide more control and flexibility to address complex data quality issues.

By understanding the various options available in Spark for handling bad records and their respective use cases, you can make informed decisions about which approach is best suited for your specific data processing needs. This, in turn, will help you ensure the quality and reliability of your data, enabling you to derive valuable insights and make data-driven decisions with confidence.


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